Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Acknowledging a breakthrough...I love my job

ssshhhh. don't tell anyone!

I actually twittered that I am very happy at my job. The first two years I was glad and pretty happy but I was also extremely overwhelmed and a little lost. Being a school librarian is a very challenging specialty of librarianship. No one ever tells you that. All you ever hear about is how you will lose your job and how under-appreciated you are by teachers and administrators. Luckily, I am at a place that appreciates us and what we do. I hear it and feel it everyday when students come up to me and say, "Thank you." Yes, there are moments where I am "ssshhhing" and there are moments where I look around and wonder, "where are their teachers?" But, for the most part, I am so very very lucky.

We have only a few more days before the Winter Break and I can honestly say that I feel really positive about the year so far. My class management skills are much improved. Sometimes, I wish I had a video of my classes before. I think I looked a bit frazzled. Trust me, there were moments where I would walk out of my class and it looked like I was hit with a bomb. I had fun and I trust that I taught my students well, but by this time last year, I was grabbing a cocktail and trying to relax and not feel so burned out. This year I just feel happy.

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