Monday, April 26, 2010

Nonfiction Mondays - Julius Caesar by Ellen Galford

I am finally back and trying to keep up with the Nonfiction Monday posts. It's been a very crazy and busy 2 months...But I digress so back to nonfiction mondays and today's host is over at Check It Out blog. Thanks for hosting Check It Out!!!

Today's selection is Julius Caesar: The Boy Who Conquered An Empire by Ellen Galford. Washington D.C. : National Georgraphic, 2007. ISBN: 978-1-4263-0065-3.

What Caught My Eye: Our 9th graders have a history project and one of the thesis statements they receive is on Julius Caesar so I am always on the lookout for good middle school level Roman/Greek/Medieval/Islamic/Viking history books, especially biographies.

Why I Didn't Put It Down: It was 64 pages of Julius Caesar and I liked that they actually explored what his life might have been like as a boy growing up in Roman times. They delve a bit into his teenage years as well. In exploring his childhood, Ellen Galford was able to also include information about the different classes, slavery and life in the military. Also, being that it is a National Geographic publication, it is full of wonderful color images of sculpture, close-ups of reliefs that are part of major architectural monuments (e.g. Trajan's Column), frescos and other artifacts from the time.

Who Would I Recommend This Book To: It would probably be good for an advanced reader in 5th grade up to 7th grade. Even a 9th grader would find this useful to get quick background, timeline information on Roman history, Julius Caesar and events and individuals associated with his life.

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