Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sundays at the Public Library

Children's Library
Originally uploaded by Miss Martini (AnnaLynn M.)

I have worked 2 jobs and some times more for years now. Honestly, I thought that after I received my masters degree that I would be able to have just one job like "normal" people. Unfortunately, I tend to like the jobs that people do not think deserves high pay - teaching, librarianship. I suppose, I could have just become a nurse, which is kind of one of those jobs that as a Filipina girl growing up, I should have had. But, being that I'm not very practical, I went a whole other route...

That said, here I am, working 2 jobs. (Well, 3 actually, counting my "consulting" gig). And old girl is tired! And this girl really wants to be able to focus on 1 job. To focus so that I can actually become better at it. I noticed that I don't have enough time to actually focus on things other than working. Though, trust me, this is not a whoa-is-me sort of post. I know, lots of people need jobs. Maybe I should make room for those people...This way I can actually make room for other things.

I almost did it. I almost gave notice the other week and then I had to take my car into the shop. See, this is what happens - I think, I'm going to quit!!! and then a few days later something happens. This time is was needing some work done on my car. Last time, gas prices soared to $6. Before that the economy went to hell...

Anyway, public library life is a bit quiet this Sunday. Everyone's enjoying the final days of summer though we are getting a few kids and parents coming in getting ready for the school year. I think, the public school kids have 1 more week and then they are back to work for the school year.

Luckily, I have a bit more time...

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