Saturday, November 26, 2011

Book Drops: "The Dark and Hollow Places" by Carrie Ryan

I finished Carrie Ryan's final installment of the Forest of Hands and Teeth series, The Dark and Hollow Places, during this Turkey Day holiday. I thought it was a pretty good ending for this horror series. Annah is still in the City, waiting for Elias. 3 years have passed and she still cannot leave even though the City is getting worse. As she tries to leave, she notices a girl who looks just like her. Could it be Abigail? Annah needs to find out and strange things begin to happen. Annah struggles with her own self-doubt and insecurities as she tries to deal with the hordes of zombies that are beginning to infiltrate the city as well as dealing with the discovery that Elias and her sister are still alive.

If you liked the series, you will enjoy this finale.

Also, how come the UK cover of this book is a lot better than the US version? I am not a fan of the all the people on the covers. But again I guess that what the American audience likes.

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