Friday, April 30, 2010

Mouse Mischief!!! New Powerpoint Feature!!!

Next week, I will bring back graphic novel fridays! I miss reading all those graphic novels and sharing them! However, the school year is almost over (4 weeks left!!! AYE!!!) and so much to do.

I wish they rolled this out earlier because right now I'm finishing my powerpoint unit with my students. But I do have next year so this will give me the summer to figure out how Mouse Mischief works.
clipped from
Microsoft's free program allows for collaborative PowerPoint presentations.

The new tool, called Mouse Mischief, allows teachers to add multiple choice, yes/no, and drawing questions to their presentations. Students then use any computer mice (any device from the school will work) to answer these questions. The tool also allows for whole-class or individual student responses.

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